Paula is a passionate and resourceful school leader, leading with integrity and determination to achieve the very best outcomes for all students and staff members.

She had led successful schools in primary and all through special school sectors. She has led outstanding primary schools as well as being asked by the local authority to lead a school causing concern, successfully leading the school to good earning fantastic testimonials;

‘The ambitious and determined leadership of the headteacher, supported effectively by other senior leaders, has brought about improvement since the previous inspection’. – Ofsted

Paula has worked for the local authority (LA) as an associate headteacher and school improvement partner, reviewing both school development plans and school evaluation documents, as well as undertaking learning walks to provide the LA with up-to-date information on the position of the school.

Paula has provided leadership in a hospital school setting, both with students, inpatients and pupils, in the community, with medical conditions that prevent them from attending school. She has supported schools across the LA with pupils presenting with anxiety based school avoidance, successfully integrating pupils back into education.

She has also led an independent special school for pupils with SEMH concerns where she reviewed and implemented a new curriculum to ensure it was tailored to the needs of all individual pupils.

Paula has provided mentorship for many new leaders through her work with various local authorities and has worked at a national level to support leadership and policy development for colleagues within the EDI sector.

If you would like more information about Paula, her school self evaluation form and development plan programme or our fees then please get in touch.