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What is the Responsible Behaviour Curriculum?


The Responsible Behaviour Curriculum: Unlocking Engagement for Ages 3 to 16 The Responsible Behaviour Curriculum offers a comprehensive and structured approach to teaching children, from the age of 3 to 16, essential life skills and executive functions. This curriculum is meticulously designed to support children in their development journey by focusing on four key areas: Functions, Fences, Framework, and Features. Each area is crucial in fostering an environment conducive to engagement, learning and personal growth. Functions: Developing Executive Functioning The curriculum starts with a foundational book that outlines the progression children go through to develop their executive functioning skills. Executive [...]

What is the Responsible Behaviour Curriculum?2024-08-13T10:37:08+00:00

Behaviour – Are we at crisis point?


For a number of years I have seen a number of issues in the primary schools I visit around engagement in learning. School leaders are telling me that behaviour is declining and teachers are struggling to engage the children in learning. Teachers are trying and trying and getting very frustrated with the behaviour in their classroom and sometimes, with the lack of support from parents. Some teachers struggle to know what boundaries and expectations might be appropriate for children at different ages and get frustrated when children cannot follow a complex instruction or follow the rules consistently. Do we need [...]

Behaviour – Are we at crisis point?2024-08-13T10:39:51+00:00

ADHD – Things I wish my teachers had known…


The last year has been interesting. The Department for Education has developed the early years foundation stage even further to include a goal around self-regulation. This caused me to pull out lots of saved research from a while back looking at executive function in primary education and in particular, early years education. Children’s heads tend to be full of information and as teachers we spend a lot of time filling them with more. However, we tend to spend little time developing the part of the brain - the prefrontal cortex - where executive function lives. Now, it appears, we have [...]

ADHD – Things I wish my teachers had known…2024-06-06T15:04:04+00:00

Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle, Remake – Teach your children about the circular economy


Black Friday - Should we be teaching children that over consumption and shopping deals are the norm? Read on for ways to teach our little ones how to take care of the environment and cut down on waste.  It’s been a relatively short period of time that it has been normal to buy much more than we need. Here at QED, we are in our 40’s and still remember our childhoods of refreshed second-hand bikes for Christmas and hand me down clothes and toys. The huge rise in online shopping is not only damaging small businesses but it’s teaching our children [...]

Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle, Remake – Teach your children about the circular economy2021-11-25T08:34:46+00:00

Why is the outdoors so important in the early years?


Being outside brings an enormous sense of calm and wellbeing. Teaching children from an early age to embrace the outdoors in all its glory will help their long-term wellbeing and give them some effective and easy tools to use if they are feeling stressed or emotional. Whilst it is true that some people are simply not ‘outdoors people’ they can still learn to appreciate nature and understand how a connection to nature can help us relax and shed the stresses of our busy lives. The sooner children learn this and bring the outdoors into their lives, the sooner they begin to [...]

Why is the outdoors so important in the early years?2020-11-17T16:33:05+00:00

Early Years Teachers – We Believe in You!!


We knew early years teachers were heroes, but your superpowers are really there for all to see right now! We have been back in schools (and over zoom!) since the summer break and have been truly bowled over by the efforts being made by each and every early years teacher, head teacher, teaching assistant, nursery team and everyone who helps keep our schools ticking over whilst providing the best education and safe environment for all children. It has really hit home to us how, as early years professionals, we are used to being proactive. Planning is a huge part of what [...]

Early Years Teachers – We Believe in You!!2020-11-17T14:46:22+00:00
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