Fay is a passionate and experienced early years and maths leader, who has led an outstanding foundation stage unit for many years. She has designed, implemented and embedded an ambitious curriculum for all learners. Being a communication champion, means the development of vocabulary and speech are always at the centre of the curriculum and ensuring a communication friendly space for children to embed their learning.

Ofsted commented in their recent inspection (2023) ‘leaders, governors and staff have designed an ambitious curriculum, which meets the needs of pupils including those in early years’

Fay has worked collaboratively with staff, providing high quality school to school support, developing early years and recruiting new staff. She has supported schools in developing early maths skills in the setting. As a reflective practitioner Fay encourages those she works with to identify their strengths and support areas for improvement.

Fay offers practical support guidance from a current EYFS lead practitioner.

If you would like to know more about Fay then please don’t hesitate to get in touch!